Our Story

Greece, Athens - Livy

I cannot believe I am saying this, but, we left Asia and headed to Europe! I have been so exited about this part of the trip for so long! I can't believe that we only have 2 more months left until we are home! Anyway, our first stop in Greece was Athens. It is an ancient city with a bunch of Greek God temples. The most famous one was the Acropolis. I am actually really exited because one of my favorite books is Percy Jackson, and it is about Greek Mythology. Our AirBnb was awesome! Me and Anneka had our own separate bedroom! It felt very homey. We all felt recharged when we got there, like we finally felt home. We left the apartment to go get lunch. We found a pizza place rite down the rode and got 3. It was actually pretty good. After that we went to the Olympic Stadium. It was crazy
zy. It was were the very first Olympics were!!! The sports were very different back then. Instead of Baseball, men would battle lions with swords. It was kinda weird though, because we found out they used to fight naked!
The entrance

Anneka standing on 2000 year old stairs

It was renovated a couple of times but still so cool

Women used to go in here to pray

Me and Anneka on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place steps. (Also new)

After that we went to Zeus's temple. It was so cool. It was kind of falling apart but for the most part, it was in good shape.
First selfie in Europe. 

Me, Anneka and Mom

From the side

A big Entrance near the back. 
We spent the rest of the day touring the city. It is crazy how similar yet so different this place is from North America.  I mean the rules are all the same, but with the little ally ways and restaurants outside it is so much different. It is exactly how I pictured Europe to be.
This was a beautiful garden in front of a church

A market street 

A beautiful road with trees covering the top

A small Ally way
We then went to the super market and went Home to eat dinner. First time in forever that we actually ate at home and not out at a restaurant. The next day we went to the Acropolis. I found out that it was built for my favorite Goddess, Athena. She is the Goddess of wisdom. I was already exited  for this, but finding out the people 2000 years ago worshiped Athena took it to a whole next level. It was on a mountain top so we walked up the path.On the way we saw the old theater.  It was so cool. You could sit in the old thrones were the king and Queen used to sit. Obviously me and Anneka did.
Me in the throne 
We then continued our walk up. The top was amazing! There was the main building and then off to the side, there was  one that was specifically
Anneka and dad

So big, I know

From the front

Behind is Athenas

Those statues are Athena's warriors

After the Acropolis, we went to the town square to have lunch. Every restaurant was so expensive, so we just went to a little hole in the wall. We all got Gyros, (Traditional Greek food) and I found my new favorite meal.The next day we had a late start cause me and Anneka were doing homework. After we went downtown Athens and on the way there we stopped at the old Library. It was really cool. There were areas that still had the old tiles in the ground. Then we went to the square and ate lunch. Me, my dad and Anneka all got gyros. (Again)
That was pretty much it for Athens. It was one of my favorite places out of the whole trip. 

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