Our Story

Getting Ready

Hi my name is Olivia, all my friends call me Livy. I am 9 years old and I will be turning 10 October 14th. I can’t believe that it’s only 6 months away until we leave! I am really going to miss all my friends, (hopefully you're reading this and following my blog).  Excited and sad about missing a whole year of school. I really love it there…

I am really excited to  see Hawaii because my parents went there for their honeymoon.They told me that it is beautiful! I am also really excited for Vietnam. I love,love,loooove their food!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hear that Thailand is beautiful too.My frinds mom is from there,she told me that growing up there was awsome!!!My other friend did the same thing as us but she stopped in Australia.Our family is going  to see her there,that is probably in the the top 10 things that I am looking forward  to.

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