A couple of weeks ago we had our visit to the travel clinic here in Toronto. After a couple of hours of paper work we left with nothing but a prescription to our Malaria pills and an appointment to come back in June for our needles. Unknown to us, some vaccines are only good for 6 months, so better to get the shots as close to the trip as possible. When budgeting, be sure to price this into your cost, it sure is expensive! $2100 for the malaria pills alone, thinking the rest of the shots will cost about 200/pp. YIKES! A necessary part of travel, and something we have to take very seriously when travelling with the kids. Maybe my younger days I may have skipped the Malaria pills, but its just not worth it.Provincial, National and State Parks
A few weeks ago Johnny and I sat down and spent the entire weekend plotting, mapping and booking our Canada/ US portion of the trip. This is definitely something you cannot do "by the seat of your pants" especially when travelling through Canada during its 150 anniversary year, Canada Parks is really marketing all that this beautiful country has to offer, for good reason...some of the most beautiful places are right in our own backyard. That said, each, province, state and country have their own booking timelines. Some of the Provincial and State Parks you can't book yet, while the National parks are open for business. Makes for a very complicated booking nightmare. You have to figure out when you will arrive at a place, how long you will want to stay and what site you want in the park. We decided to only worry about the parks we absolutely want to see: Kilarny, White lake, Sleeping Giant, Lake of Woods (Rushing River), Banff, Jasper, Lake Louise, Cultas Lake,Capilano Provincial Park, Whistler, Tofino, Gulf Islands (near Victoria), the Redwoods, Jedediah state park and Yosmite
Phew! If there is a park I missed and you think is a must see please let me know and we can try and fit it in....