Our Story

Saturday, 20 January 2024

The Lambers' are off....again....

 A ton has changed since out last advenure. We sold our home in Toronto, moved to a small town called Goderich. Liv is now in her 2nd last year of high school and Anneka is in Grade 7.  Jesse is still in Toronto, living life to the fullest. We have a new dog; sweet Stanley (the Bernese Mountain dog) and a kitten named Hattie. After our trip around the world, we thought we were finished exploring as a family, (at least until our kids were finished school). Then 3 years ago, the girls planted the seed that maybe we had one more adventure left in us....After lots of discussion and dates and locations changing a couple of times, we were in! We originally were focusing on South America and planning on travelling for 6 months, leaving August and coming home in January. That slowly morphed into going back to SE Asia, and leaving in February (this way the girls could start their sports and get settled into school), coming home in June. 

So there you have it. A solid 4 month adventure... a huge amount of time for most, but seeming so short compared to the last one. A lot has changed, but one thing is for certain, this feeling of wanting to explore this amazing planet and embracing the waunderlust is engrained in this families DNA. We are ready to create new stories and enjoy what life has in store for us. Stay tuned....